September 14, 2009

Response to "Is it okay to be a technically illiterate teacher" by Karl Fisch

"Headteachers and Principals who have staff who are technologically-illiterate should be held to account."

This blog was amazing. Karl Fisch is so right about everything he said. People, especially in education, should be ashamed if they are technology illiterate. That to me is the same as saying, "I am so set in my ways and stubborn, I have every opportunity at hand but I will just do things how I have always done them". Or, "I'm too lazy, I don't want to work for anything." I agree with the quote above from Mr. Fisch. Things won't change unless the people in authority say something must be done. I don't understand why some people are proud of their computer illiteracy. I also don't understand why computer classes aren't available at every school, but reading and math sure are. Technology is our future so if children don't have access to it does this mean they have no future?

1 comment:

  1. Great observations Julie! People who are proud of being tech. illiterate are suffering from a pride that is like a cancer that will eventually consume them and ruin their lives if they let it. Your right those in power should be held accountable. As I've pointed out on some other blogs, often times these teachers are not offered adequate opportunities for training. They are told they can get it on their own or else! This is partially responsible for their poor attitudes toward technology. They are frightened that they will not be able to get it on their own so they "cop an attitude". The administrators must offer these teachers plenty of opportunities to upgrade their skill. SS
