November 18, 2009

Reactions to Michael Wesch's video

I have read George Orwell's book 1984. I agreed that when media changes our lives and culture. the core ideas happen on television, and the conversations make up our incompetent culture. We hope that the new media will change the front lines of society. The classrooms today and not politically engaged. Kids today get bombarded with news all day, yet they don't care about the world's problems. Everyone has the lonely "one in a million" insignificant feeling, and this is portrayed on TV, such as American Idol. Michael Wesch goes on to talk about the MTV generation. He says that they are narcissistic, materialistic, short term memory, and not easily impressed. I agree. He says that they say 'whatever' and that is there attitude about life. Since this is my generation, I can relate really well. My generation has had everything handed to us and we really don't care about much. I see this in college too. My friends don't strive to get A's, they are fine with C's.
In the future, when I am a teacher, I think that these bad characteristics will only worsen. I will have to show my students that hard work pays off and not to give up. I will give them opportunities to get involved in programs bigger than themselves.

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