October 6, 2009

New Media Literacies Project

According to Newmedialiteracies.org, "Project New Media Literacies (NML), a research initiative based within MIT's Comparative Media Studies program, explores how we might best equip young people with the social skills and cultural competencies required to become full participants in an emergent media landscape and raise public understanding about what it means to be literate in a globally interconnected, multicultural world."

So it is a set of skills that these people from MIT came up with to help people become more technologically savvy.

The skills they talk about are:

transmedia navigation
collective intelligence
distributed cognition

I think that all of the qualities that the NML stands for will be of great importance in the future. I know that I multi-task every day, I am doing it as I type right now. I think it is going to be even more important for my children to know how to do it. There is so much to do and see now. Collective Intelligence is good because people can accomplish so much more when they are connected, rather than individually. They receive support from their PLN.

1 comment:

  1. Collective intelligence is what the PLN is all about. And even though this sounds new this idea is not a new idea. Think about the quote "together we stand, divided we fall" Same idea just a different flavor. Thinking about collective intelligence the statement might be "Togenter we learn, divided we learn a lot less"?? I don't know, maybe a bad example but you get my drift. SS
