October 6, 2009

This is How We Dream Parts 1 & 2

I watched this video and thought it was really interesting. Richard Miller wrote a book and it is available online for like $0.60! I think that it is awesome that books are so readily available these days. He talked about his workspace and how it has become a laptop and his research is not library's anymore, its all online. He studied the school shootings without ever stepping into a school. He talks about how once he writes a book it leads a double-life, on the internet and in a library. In a library it is bound to one place, but having it online it is on there forever and available to anyone anywhere. It won't get thrown away or dusty on a shelf. He could add sound to documents along with the visual aspects. He used materials from the past along with materials of the present day. The document became print based and moving picture based. It was an incremental change, not a fundamental change.

I think having books online is awesome! By having sound and moving pictures in documents, it really makes them interactive. It saves time, money, gas, and paper! When you need a book on the go, they are where the internet is. I think it makes learning easier for larger groups of people and even underprivileged people.

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