September 22, 2009

Response to Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

Randy Pausch was a great speaker, teacher, and such a brilliant man. After watching this video and knowing that he has died makes me look at my own life. He accomplished so much and even when he had 2 months to live he wasn't out traveling the world, he was teaching. His teaching methods were so hands on and friendly. He was the kind of teacher that everyone loved because he was excited about the subject he was teaching and it showed. He didn't teaching using the conventional methods, but he was innovative and made his own curriculum. I like how he talked about never giving up. He was saying that you should never give up on your dream and he spoke so eloquently I felt that I could do anything. People could listen to him and think he was just lucky. like who in real life is an imagineer?? Randy himself could have taken the first no as the answer, but he kept pursuing and it happened. Same with the zero gravity flight. Everyone told he that he couldn't go, but he didn't take no for an answer. He got a press pass and politely explanined that he was going on that plane, and it would benifit them both. Randy also says that there is a right way and a wrong way of saying the same thing. My mom and Randy are a lot alike. They both are very driven and graceful, but they get what they want. My mom has always taught me to say things in the nicest possible way. His boss gave him a flat-out no, when asked about the imagineer job. The other guy said that it sounded great and he was excited to see one of his best teachers excited about it, but he needed more information. Neither of them say yes, but the first man was just rude. Randy had a lot of wisdom to pass on and I think that he did a good job of it. He encourages group enteraction and learning rather than just lecturing. Teaching should be a process and a journey, and Randy acknolowges that. I am soooo jealous that he got to be an imagineer!!!! I have a few friends that work for Disney and they love it!!!!! I hope to oneday be a part of something like that!!! Thank you Randy for your inspiration and motivation! It seems like you lived an amazing life!


  1. Julie -
    I think this is a great post! I totally agree with everything you stated. We should all strive to be more like this man was!

  2. thanks julie s. you could have just looked over here and said that but its cool. anyways, you're right, he did seem like that one teacher that everyone likes, kinda like mr. sullivan! lol (brownie points)
